Fluorescence stopped-flow kinetics of the cleavage of synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides by the EcoRI restriction endonuclease

We have investigated in fluorescence stopped-flow and temperature-jump experiments the EcoRI-catalyzed cleavage of synthetic palindromic tridecadeoxynucleotides which contain the EcoRI site but differ in the flanking sequences. The overall reaction can be resolved in several reactions which were analyzed by a nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure on the experimental data. The results of this analysis is a minimal scheme that describes the overall reaction in terms of the rate constant of the individual reactions. According to this scheme EcoRI and the tridecadeoxynucleotide substrates associate in the presence of Mg2+ in a nearly diffusion-controlled process. This is followed by a reaction which is or includes the cleavage of the first phosphodiester bond. There is no indication for a time-resolved conformational transition prior to catalysis. After cleavage of the first strand, dissociation of the nicked double strand can occur, which then rearranges to the original palindromic double-stranded substrate and is bound again by the enzyme. Alternatively, the nicked double strand can be cleaved in the second strand. This reaction is followed by product release from the enzyme. The magnitude of the individual rate constants depends on the substrate used; the differences explain the preference of EcoRI for substrates that contain AT as compared to GC base pairs next to the recognition site.

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