Reactions of Alpha Particles with Tin-124

The excitation functions for the (α, n), (α, p), (α, pn), (α, 2pn), (α, 3n), and (α, αn) reactions of Sn124 have been determined with alpha particles from 13-42 Mev of excitation energy. Cross sections for the production of the isomers of Te127, Sb126, Sn125, and Sn123 are also presented. Reactions in which there is only neutron emission predominate: the maximum cross sections for (α, n) and (α, 3n) (metastable state) are 0.161 barn at 18 Mev of excitation and 1.18 barn at 36 Mev, respectively. The (α, p) has its maximum of 0.017 barn at 28 Mev, while the largest cross section obtained for the (α, αn) reaction is 0.056 barn at 42 Mev. The results are discussed in terms of the statistical theory of nuclear reactions. A satisfactory fit to the (α, n) and (α, p) data is obtained for r0=1.7 fermis and a=1.6 Mev1. However, both excitation functions exhibit high energy tails not predicted by the theory. An evaporation calculation using a=1.6 Mev1 yields cross sections of proper magnitude for the (α, αn) reaction; but the shape of the experimental curve is not indicative of compound nuclear processes.