Hemostatic- and Fibrinolytic-Affecting Agents in Experimental Vascular Sensitization

The effect-s of hemostatic- and fibrinolytic-affecting pharmacological agents upon the experimental model of hypersensitivity vascuhitis of the rabbit were studied. The technique of passive reversed subanaphylactic sensitization with bovine serum albumin arid gamma globulin antigen-aritibody systems was utilized in the production of lesions of pulmonary periarteritis and panarteritis, and myocarditis. Experimental procedures included attempts at inducing simultaneous (a) anticoagulant effects at the levels of action of heparin, coumaclin sodium, ethylene-diasirine tetra-acetic acid, and sodium citrate; (b) neutralization of endogenous lieparin release with protamine and hexadimetrine bromide; (3) enhancement of fibrinolytie systems with plasmin, streptokinase, and trypsiii; (d) blood "desludging" with hydroxychioroquine sulfate. Only streptokinase with anti-inflamatory properties exerted a suppressive and attenuating effect on the development of lesions of periarteritis and panarteritis.