An assay procedure for the comparative irritancy testing of esters in the tigliane and daphnane series

A method is described for testing of diterpene esters for irritancy. The technique involves the application of acetone solutions of the toxins to the inside ears of female LACA mice. The number of mice responding per group and the log10 dose data were evaluated using probit analysis with the assistance of a computer program. This evaluation has the advantage that approximations inherent with an arithmetical evaluation were eliminated, and limits may be placed upon the standard deviation of the irritant dose 50% (ID50). In addition, the use of a χ2 test automatically eliminated results which were not attributed to random biological variation. Observations of the time to onset and the persistence of the inflammation have led to the suggestion that daphnane orthoester diterpenes may elicit their effect by means of a direct action at a receptor site in skin, whereas the tiglianeO-acyl esters may in part act by causing more general tissue damage.