MR imaging of the central nervous system in divers

A group of 70 professional divers and 47 healthy control subjects who had never dived were examined with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to determine the prevalence of focal white matter changes in the brain. Spots of high signal intensity in white matter on proton density-and/or T2-weighted spin-echo images were detected in 42% of the control subjects and in 34% of the divers. In the control subjects, the prevalence of more than three changes was related to smoking, use of alcohol, head trauma, age of more than 35 years, and a combination of several cerebrovas-cular risk factors. This relationship was not present in the divers. The prevalence of changes in divers was inversely related to diving depth, amount of diving, participation in “unsafe diving,” and decompression sickness. The reasons for these results could not be ascertained. The results are compared with those of MR imaging studies of white matter changes recently presented by other research groups.