Magnetic penetration depth and condensate density of cuprate high-Tcsuperconductors determined by muon-spin-rotation experiments

We summarize our results of transverse-field muon-spin-relaxation (TF-μSR) experiments on a variety of polycrystalline cuprate high-Tc superconducting systems. In this paper we present the conditions under which the μSR depolarization rate at low temperatures σ0λab2(0)∝ns(0)/mab* is determined in a unique way by the doping state of CuO2 planes and the consequent critical temperature Tc. Disorder and pinning effects due to various sorts and amounts of dopant atoms do not affect σ0. From our results on YBa2 Cu3 O7δ, YBa2 Cu4 O8, and Y2 Ba4 Cu7 O15δ (systems having both planes and chains) we conclude that a superconducting condensate is not only formed in the CuO2 planes but is induced additionally in the CuO chains. This chain condensate is rapidly suppressed by any disorder in the chains and depends strongly on the oxygen ordering.