Kretschmer''s types (from Baden and Wurtemberg) showed possible racial affinities: asthenic "long-egg" types were Mediterranean, plus some "broad-egg" Dinaric; pyknics were mainly Alpine plus Armenoid and a sub-group of "five-pointed" Borreby; athletics were Beaker-Folk. B. finds three factors in types: 1) "general," for growth in all directions; 2) disproportionate growth in length of long bones; 3) dis-proport. increase in B, thickness, girth and W. Studies by Cohen on London Jews, Hammon and Gamble on Irish, and Mogey on Welsh have shown that race in type is subordinate to endocrines. B. used factor analysis on 203 adult [male] British and 533 16-year-old Americans from the Dearborn study at Harvard. The first factor was found to account for 50-60% of total variance: "it has positive saturation coefficients for every one of the characteristics measured." The 2d factor is bipolar for 1) vertical or longitudinal growth in H and in L of arms and legs; 2) trans. or circ. growth (width, depth, circs. of chest and hips.) If positive the type will be leptosome, if negative it will be eurysome. There are 2 pyknic types, one whose B depends on shoulder, chest and hips, one whose excessive W depends on girths, espec. abd. obesity. B. finds a special factor governing growth in L of arm and leg, one for homologous parts (e.g., forearm and shin), and one for head dimensions (membrane bones). There are 2 major factors: isauxetic, inc. in physical size in all dimensions; heteroauxetic, group factors for diffs. in physical proports. or shape. A single index of body build is not feasible; a partial regression equation is the answer. We must correlate persons, not traits.

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