The Sterol Composition ofVolvariella Volvaceaand other Edible Mushrooms

The total lipid content of Volvariella volvacea, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Tremella fuciformis, Lentinus edodes, Agaricus bisporus, Auricularia auricula ranged from 0.6% to 3.1% dry weight. The sterols in lipid were separated by column chromatography, preparative thin layer chromatography and recrystallization, and their structures were then determined by gas liquid chromatography, ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Ergosterol, provitamin D22, was present in all six edible mushrooms studied; V. volvacea had the highest percentage (0.4% of dry materials), followed by L. edodes (0.27%) and A. bisporus (0.23%). The lowest percentage of provitamin D2 was in T. fuciformis (0.01%). The provitamin D2 content was higher in the mature stage (0.54% dry weight) than the egg stage (0.39%) in V. volvacea. The cap of this species contained 0.63% provitamin D2; this was higher than the content of the stalk (0.27%). 24β-methylcholesta-5,7-dien-3β-ol, provitamin-D4, and 24β-methylcholesta-7-en-3β-ol, γ-ergostenol, were also present in V. volvacea, P. sajor-caju and L. edodes.