Isolation ofSarcocystisspeeriDubey and Lindsay, 1999 Parasite from the South American Opossum (Didelphis albiventris) from Argentina

Sarcocystis sporocysts from the intestines of 2 opossums (Didelphis albiventris) from Argentina were fed to gamma-interferon knockout (KO) and nude mice. Protozoal schizonts were seen in brain, liver, spleen, and adrenal glands of mice examined 33-64 days after feeding sporocysts. Sarcocysts were seen in skeletal muscles of KO mice 34-71 days after feeding sporocysts. Schizonts and sarcocysts were structurally similar to Sarcocystis speeri Dubey and Lindsay, 1999 seen in mice fed sporocysts from the North American opossum Didelphis virginiana from the United States.