Dense fluid transport for inelastic hard spheres

The revised Enskog theory for inelastic hard spheres is considered as a model for rapid flow granular media at finite densities. A normal solution is obtained via the Chapman-Enskog method for states near the local homogeneous cooling state. The analysis is performed to first order in the spatial gradients, allowing identification of the Navier-Stokes order transport coefficients associated with the heat and momentum fluxes. In addition, the cooling rate is calculated to first order in the gradients and expressed in terms of the transport coefficients. The transport coefficients are determined from linear integral equations analogous to those for elastic collisions. The solubility conditions for these equations are confirmed and the transport coefficients are calculated as explicit functions of the density and restitution coefficient using a Sonine polynomial expansion. The results are not limited to small dissipation. Finally, the analysis is repeated using a simpler kinetic model. Excellent agreement is obtained with the results from the revised Enskog equation.