Inferring salinity from temperature or depth for dynamic height computations in the north pacific

A computational method is developed where salinities inferred from mean salinity profiles (computed from all available data) are used to calculate 0/500 db dynamic height from temperature profiles. Using data from Ocean Weather Station P (50°N, 145°W), the method yielded a much smaller uncertainty in inferred 0/500 db dynamic height (∼3 dyn cm) than that found using a mean temperature‐salinity relationship (∼10 dyn cm). Applied to historical hydrographic data averaged over 5° squares in the North Pacific (north of 30°N), the method led to inferred dynamic‐height uncertainties typically less than 4 dyn cm in the region north of the Subarctic Front (∼40°N). In this same region, dynamic heights inferred from mean temperature‐salinity curves had large uncertainties. South of the Subarctic Front, the dynamic‐height uncertainties associated with the temperature‐salinity curves were smaller than those computed with the mean salinity profiles. A combination of these two methods was used to compute inferred dynamic height from a climatology of temperature structure in the region from 30–50°N, 130°W‐150°E.