Vit. A was detd. by spectrography, micro-chromatography and by measurement of the Carr-Price reaction (Pulfrich) in 33 different mammals belonging to 21 spp., 41 birds of 36 spp., 4 reptiles of 2 spp. and 8 human specimens. In most cases the livers yielded a typical u.-v. absorption curve similar to that of cod liver oils and the ratio between the extinction of the Carr-Price reaction and the u.-v. absorption was 2.60-2.75 [plus or minus] 15%. Atypical absorption curves were found in some cases (ermine, guinea pig, and others). Carotene was found in the livers of certain beasts of prey (fox, badger) in an amt. equal to that found in herbivora. The amt. of vit. A and carotenoids in the liver cannot be simply related to the ingested amt. of these substances since animals on the same food often show great differences in the amts. found in the liver. The same vit. A was found in all livers in spite of differences in food. Vit. A2 was not found in any case.