Responses of Sea-Ice Microalgae to Climatic and Fortnightly Tidal Energy Inputs (Manitounuk Sound, Hudson Bay)

Variations of sea-ice microalgae at the ice–water interface (Manitounuk Sound, Hudson Bay, Canada) were studied in relation to various energy inputs (light, tidal mixing, and heat) in April and May 1982. Seasonal photosynthetic activity does not start before the light intensity reaches 7.6 μEinst∙m−2∙s−1. Above this value, the seasonal increase in cell numbers and chlorophyll and in the photoadaptation index (Ik) is related to the increase in underice light intensity. The sea-ice community changes from shade to light adaptation to optimize the use of ambient light energy. Photosynthetic efficiency (αB) is mainly controlled by the fortnightly tidal vertical mixing, which governs the amount of phosphate (or of another nutrient factor) in the upper brackish layer. The ice microflora, which grows at a stable interface, takes advantage of nutrient replenishment during mixed water column conditions. We conclude that production of microalgae depends upon three forms of energy: (1) the flux of solar light, (2) the inputs of auxiliary mechanical energy (here, the fortnightly tides), and (3) the energy exchanges (here, the heat flux) responsible for the maintenance or destruction of energetic interfaces (ergoclines).