Incidence and Diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever in Denmark, 1980 and 1983

A review of 1547 official hospital record summaries concerning discharges during the period 1980 through 1983 of patients whose diagnoses had been coded as acute rheumatic fever revealed that in only 61% of the cases had this illness been diagnosed or suspected. A substantial proportion of the remaining patients had had acute non‐rheumatic pericarditis diagnosed. The medical records were analyzed for 141 patients diagnosed in 1980 or 1983 by hospital departments as having acute rheumatic fever with regard to the revised Jones criteria. They were fulfilled in 47 patients, 23 of whom were considered unlikely cases of rheumatic fever. Eight patients were considered possible cases, although they did not fulfill the revised Jones criteria. The current annual incidence of acute rheumatic fever was estimated to be at most 0.3 per 100000 inhabitants.