Chromosome counts are presented for more than 250 populations ofAster representing 56 species and eight spontaneous interspecific hybrids. Species are listed according to the infrageneric classification system presented in the preceding paper which utilizes basic chromosome numbers as the pivotal diagnostic character. Fundamental to the classification is an ecological species concept. The list is augmented by a series of comments on field observations and on the examination of types. Six older names previously placed in synonymy or recognized at an inferior rank are reinstated at the species level:A. brachypholis, A.firmus, A. fragilis, A. longifolius, A. simmondsii andA. tardiflorus. Two taxa included as species in current manuals of the eastern North American flora are reduced in status to subspecies rank underA. cordifolius. Putative hybrid status is assigned to four taxa previously treated and originally published as species:A. × coerulescens (= A. praealtus × A. simplex, A. × interior (= A. simplex × A. tradescantii, A. × maccallae (= A. ciliolatus × A. subspicatus) and A. × subgeminatus (= A. ciliolatus × A. tardiflorus). With new data available, the basic chromosome number ofx = 8 has now been confirmed for all species ofAster sectionHeterophylli, except the Mexican A.coahuilensis.