The Age and Growth of Young-of-the-Year Spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépède, in South Carolina

Young-of-the-year spot,Leiostomus xanthurus, were sampled in Town Creek of North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, with towed plankton nets, seines, and stationary block nets from February 14 to May 2, 1981. Age estimates obtained by analysis of daily growth increments in the sagittal otoliths showed that these fish hatched between late November 1980 and mid-February 1981. The youngest spot was estimated to be 60 days old, indicating a prolonged migration period from offshore spawning grounds. Age-length regressions permitted calculations of growth and estimates of age from standard length measurements. An increase in growth rate was observed with an increase in size of fish; however, growth of fish of equal sizes was lower in April and early May than in February and March. Age estimates suggested that the hatching period for young-of-the-year spot was concentrated between late November and mid-January. Recruitment of three separate cohorts into Town Creek occurred at approximately monthly intervals, and immigration of each cohort into the estuary took place approximately 2 months after its estimated date-of-hatch.