The infrared properties of the new outburst star IRAS 05436-0007 in quiescent phase

We compiled and investigated the infrared/sub-mm/mm SED of the new outburst star IRAS 05436-0007 in quiescent phase. The star is a flat-spectrum source, with an estimated total luminosity of L_bol ~ 5.6 L_sun, typical of low-mass T Tauri stars. The derived circumstellar mass of 0.5 M_sun is rather high among low-mass YSOs. The observed SED differs from the SEDs of typical T Tauri stars and of 4 well-known EXors, and resembles more the SEDs of FU Orionis objects indicating the presence of a circumstellar envelope. IRAS 05436-0007 seems to be a Class II source with an age of approximately 4x10^5 yr. In this evolutionary stage an accretion disk is already fully developed, though a circumstellar envelope may also be present. Observations of the present outburst will provide additional knowledge on the source.

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