Samples of wet malt distiller's grains (MDG) have been analysed to assess the quality of the material and the variation between the effects of distilleries on quality and the losses incurred during transport and farm storage.Comparative analyses of MDG and the parent barley showed that the recoveries of soluble carbohydrate, protein, holocellulose, lipid and minerals in the MDG and malt culms amounted to 16, 54, 90, 95 and 32% respectively, which indicates a depletion of soluble carbohydrate and minerals (particularly potassium) and a concentration of structural components and lipid.A survey of the material leaving 12 different distilleries over a period of 6 weeks showed little difference in composition between distilleries. Transport losses were negligible.Losses of dry matter during storage ranged from 11 to 21 % depending on length of storage. The addition of salt did not result in a consistent reduction in these losses.