Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering Parameters from Final-State Interactions

The energy spectra of α particles were measured at 5° lab for the reaction He3(He3, α)pp using a 20-MeV He3 beam; at 5° and 8° lab for the reaction He3(t, α)np; and at 5°, 8°, and 10° lab for the reaction H3(t, α)nn using a 22-MeV triton beam. The 5° lab spectra corresponding to low relative energy in the unobserved two-nucleon system were well fitted with Watson-Migdal final-state-interaction theory for the following scattering lengths: app=7.52±0.22 F, anp=21.5±2.3 F, and ann=16.96±0.51 F. Analyzing the change-symmetric reactions with the comparison method and using the accepted value for app, we find ann=18.11±0.75 F. When compared with Coulomb-corrected values of app, these values of ann imply that nucleon-nucleon forces are charge-symmetric to better than 1%. In obtaining the scattering lengths, the effective range was fixed at r0=2.84 F. Allowing both the effective range and scattering length to vary in the fitting procedure for the nn final-state data, we find ann=17.4±1.8 F and (r0)nn=2.4±1.5 F. If the nn scattering length is fixed at the value - 17.0 F, our data determine the effective range to be (r0)nn=2.75±0.35 F.