The influence of the initial state of hydration on endocrine responses to exercise in the heat

This study examines the effect of the initial state of hydration on hormone responses to prolonged exercise in the heat. Five subjects at two initial hydration levels (hypohydrated and hyperhydrated) were exposed to a 36°C environment for 3 h of intermittent exercise. During exercise, the subjects were either fluid-deprived, or rehydrated with water or an isotonic electrolyte sucrose solution (ISO). Both the stress hormones, adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol, and the main fluid regulatory hormones, aldosterone, renin activity (PRA) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), were measured in blood samples taken every hour. Prior hyperhydration significantly reduced initial AVP, aldosterone and PRA levels. However, except for AVP, which responded to exercise significantly less in previously hyperhydrated subjects (pp<0.01) in previously hyperhydrated subjects who also received water during exercise. These results indicate that prior hydration levels influence only slightly the hormonal responses to prolonged exercise in the heat. Progressive rehydration during exercise, especially when extra electrolytes are given, is more efficient in maintaining plasma volume and osmolarity and in reducing the hormonal responses.