The anatomy of amnesia: Neurohistological analysis of three new cases

The most useful information about the anatomy of human memory comes from cases where there has been extensive neuropsychological testing followed by detailed post-mortem neurohistological analysis. To our knowledge, only eight such cases have been reported (four with medial temporal lobe damage and four with diencephalic damage). Here we present neuropsychological and post-mortem neurohistological findings for one patient (NC) with bilateral damage to the medial temporal lobe and two patients (MG, PN) with diencephalic damage due to bilateral thalamic infarction and Korsakoff’s syndrome, respectively. All three patients exhibited a similar phenotype of amnesia with markedly impaired declarative memory (anterograde and retrograde) but normal performance on tests of nondeclarative memory (e.g., priming and adaptation-level effects) as well as on tests of other cognitive functions. Patient NC had damage to the hippocampus (dentate gyrus and the CA1 and CA3 fields) and layer III of the entorhinal cortex, but with relative sparing of the CA2 field and the subiculum. Patient MG had damage to the internal medullary lamina and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei. Patient PN had damage to the mammillary nuclei, mammillothalamic tracts, and the anterior thalamic nuclei. These findings illuminate several issues regarding the relation between diencephalic and medial temporal lobe amnesia, the status of recognition memory in amnesia, and the neuroanatomy of memory.