Scattering of X-Rays by a Spinning Electron

A theory based upon classical electrodynamics is presented for the scattering of x-rays by an electron which is spinning and has a magnetic moment. The radiation scattered by such a magnetic doublet is found to be almost completely unpolarized. Being proportional to ν2, it is negligible for ordinary x-rays, but should comprise the major part of the scattering according to classical theory for wave-lengths as short as hard gamma-rays. The rays thus scattered by one electron should be incoherent with those from every other. In all of these features the radiation thus magnetically scattered is closely similar in properties to that described by the added term of Klein and Nishina's quantum theory of scattering. Only in the distribution of scattered rays with angle does there appear a fundamental difference between the results of the two theories. Insofar as the two theories agree, we may consider the classical interpretation of Klein and Nishina's added term to be scattering due to the electron's spin. In particular, an interpretation according to classical electron theory of Rodger's experimental discovery of an important unpolarized component in scattered x-rays of very high frequency is that the electron is a magnetic doublet, which for these frequencies is comparable in importance with its electric charge.