A new electrical method for the determination of the cell membrane area in plant cells

The membrane are of giant algal cells of Valonia utricularis was determined electrically by using the charge-pulse technique. The membrane was charged to low voltages between 2 and 20 mV by injecting charge pulses of defined amplitude and very short duration (about 100 ns). The injected charge was calculated by measuring the current increment via a potential drop across a 10 Ω resistance in the outer circuit and by considering the preselected charging time. The initial voltage across the membrane was calculated by extrapolation to time zero (=end of the charge pulse). From the values of the injected charge and the voltage built up initially across the membrane, the capacitance of the membrane could be calculated. Assuming that the specific capacity of the two membranes, tonoplast and plasmalemma, arranged in series was 0.5 μF cm-2, the membrane area could be derived from the membrane capacity. The electrically determined membrane area agrees with the geometrically determined one to within 10%.