QCD corrections to scalar production via heavy quark fusion at hadron colliders

We recently proposed that, due to the top-quark-mass enhanced Yukawa coupling, the s-channel production of a charged scalar or pseudoscalar from heavy quark fusion can be an important new mechanism for discovering nonstandard spin-0 particles. In this work, we present the complete O(αs) QCD corrections to this s-channel production process at hadron colliders, and also the results of QCD resummation over multiple soft-gluon emission. The systematic QCD-improved production and decay rates at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC are given for the charged top pions in the top-color models, and for the charged Higgs bosons in the generic two Higgs doublet model. The direct extension to the production of the neutral (pseudo)scalars via bb¯ fusion is studied in the minimal supersymmtric standard model (MSSM) with large tanβ, and in the top-color model with a large bottom Yukawa coupling.