A Simple Method of Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in Dogs

Orthotopic liver transplantations were performed by one team in 18 dogs using a cuff method to anastomose to portal vein, the suprahepatic vena cava and the infrahepatic vena cava without external or internal shunts. Total and warm ischemic times of donor liver averaged 124 and 32 min, respectively. The average occlusion time of the portal vein and the infrahepatic vena cava were 9.7 and 13.9 min, respectively. During this time, uncontrolled hypotension, petechiae or hemorrhagic enterogastritis did not develop. Sixteen of 18 dogs survived > 5 days and 5 dogs lived > 3 wk. The cause of death was not related to the cuff method in any instance. This approach proved to be a technically simple and satisfactory procedure.