Haemostatic Studies Following Extensive Liver Resection in Dogs

Rö, J. S. & Flatmark, A. Haemostatic studies following extensive liver resec-tion in dogs. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1973, 8, 615-620. Studies on coagulation and fibrinolysis have been performed in dogs sub-jected to 75 per cent liver resection and sham operation. Bleeding, diffuse intravascular coagulation or significant fibrinolysis were not recognized. Liver resection changed the ordinary postoperative response of clotting factors synthetized by the liver; hyperfibrinogenaemia was absent, and a sustained drop in the level of factor V and the prothrombin complex occurred. The changes in plasminogen and proteolytic capacity strongly suggest that plasminogen is also produced in the liver. A sustained, and unexplained leukocytosis was observed after liver resection.