Use of SYTOX green dye in the flow cytometric analysis of bacterial phagocytosis

Background: Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is used widely to label the targets used in flow cytometric phagocytosis assays. Unfortunately, the fluorescence intensity of phagocytosed FITC‐labeled targets is influenced by changes in intracellular pH level, making quantitative measurements with this fluorophore problematic. We describe the use of SYTOX green nucleic acid stain to measure phagocytosis by flow cytometry.Methods: Suspensions of isopropyl alcohol‐permeabilized Escherichia coli DH5α were stained with the SYTOX green dye and then incubated with resident peritoneal macrophages. The samples were analyzed by flow cytometry and phagocytosis was determined by gating the cells.Results: Results are expressed as percentage of phagocyte‐associated green fluorescent cells. The validity of the method was shown by the effects of a phagocytosis inhibitor (incubation at 4°C) or enhancer (gamma interferon [IFN‐ γ] treatment) being accurately assessed with this assay.Conclusions: The method described was reproducible and provides an advantageous alternative to the use of FITC to label bacteria for the flow cytometric measurement of target uptake by phagocytic cells. Cytometry 48:93–96, 2002.