Locus of Control and the Control of Diabetes

Study participants were 120 diabetic men on insulin who completed Rotter's Locus of Control Scale. Control of diabetes was measured with a score derived from five-point weighted scales for hemoglobin A1, fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, and cholesterol. Baseline and six-month locus of control scores were correlated with metabolic control at six and 12 months. Results showed that an internal locus was associated with poorer control of the disease at six and 12 months, with correlations stronger at six months than at 12 months, when control was slightly worse. It may be that externally controlled individuals are more receptive to medical instructions and comply more readily than internal pa tients who take charge of their lives through self-controlling behaviors. A more thorough understanding of internally oriented diabetic patients is necessary to design educational programs that would guide these self-regulated persons toward better control of their illness.