Breed means for average daily gain, feed conversion and intake of beef bulls during postweaning feedlot performance tests.

Comparisons of ADG, feed/gain, daily feed intake and daily feed intake as percentage of body weight may be important to beef cattle producers and researchers in breed selection and computer modeling. Data evaluated were postweaning feedlot performance test records collected from 1967 to 1986 of 3,661 individually fed bulls. Bulls originated from University of Arkansas purebred herds, Fayetteville, and the University of Arkansas Cooperative Bull Tests at Fayetteville, Hope and Monticello. Data were analyzed separately for years 1967 to 1976 (P1) (n = 1,654) and 1977 to 1986 (P2) (n = 2,007). Breeds in P1 were Hereford (HH), Angus (AN), Charolais (CH), Polled Hereford (HP) and Santa Gertrudis (SG). Breeds in P2 were HH, AN, CH, HP, SG, Simmental (SM), Maine-Anjou (MA), Brangus (BN) and Beefmaster (BM). The model fitted included initial age, breed and test number (all P less than .01 except for initial age on ADG in P1). Test number included variation of year, location and season. Breed rankings from highest to lowest for ADG in P1 were CH, SG, HH, HP and AN and in P2 were MA, CH, SM, AN, HP, SG, HH, BN and BM. Breed rankings from highest to lowest for feed/gain in P1 were AN, SG, CH, HP and HH and in P2 were BM, BN, AN, SG, HP, SM, HH, MA and CH. Breeds highest to lowest for daily feed intake (as-fed basis) in P1 were CH, SG, AN, HP and HH and in P2 were SM, MA, CH, AN, BN, HP, SG, HH and BM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) Copyright © . .