The use of transposon insertion zdc-235::Tn10 (min 32) to clone and delete DNA from the terminus region of Escherichia coli

Summary Transposon zdc-235::Tn10 is inserted at min 32 on the genetic map of Escherichia coli, and we have used this transposon to clone 14 kb of DNA that flanks this insertion. The site of insertion of the transposon, and the restriction map of the cloned DNA, correspond well with the predictions of the Bouché restriction map for the terminus region (Bouché 1982). The zdc-235::Tn10 insertion, along with the zdd-230::Tn9 insertion, was used to obtain deletions of the region that has been cloned. Strains lacking a minimum of 14 kb, and more likely a minimum of 40 kb of DNA, showed no alteration of growth or cell morphology.