Assessment of Micral-Test Microalbuminuria Test Strip in the Laboratory and in Diabetic Outpatients

We have evaluated a semi-quantitative dry immunochemical screening method (Micral-Test) for the detection of low concentrations of albumin in urine. The stability of Micral-Test strips on storage was good, especially with regard to temperature, light and humidity. Changes in urine osmolality (urea and creatinine concentration), pH and sodium and potassium concentration did not have a significant analytical effect on the Micral-Test measurement; extremes of temperature altered the rate of colour development. The depth of dipping the strip into the sample and the timing of reading colour development were critical. We measured the albumin concentration in 184 urine samples from diabetic outpatients by the Micral-Test and by our in-house immunoturbidimetric method; a Micral-Test result of 20 mg/L had a sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 97% to predict a discriminating urine albumin concentration > 30 mg/L by the in house method. The Micral-Test is suitable for use by non-laboratory personnel and is capable of producing analytically acceptable results for use in diabetes clinics and by general practitioners.