Prediction of nonlinear elastic behaviour of vaginal tissue: experimental results and model formulation

The mechanical properties of the vaginal tissue need to be characterised to perform accurate simulations of prolapse and other pelvic disorders that commonly affect women. This is also a fundamental step towards the improvement of therapeutic techniques such as surgery. Issues like the efficiency of using autologous tissue in pelvic reconstruction may be addressed. The goal of this study was to characterise the elastic behaviour of vaginal tissue. For this purpose, prolapsed vaginal tissue from eight different post-menopausal patients, excised during prolapse corrective surgery, was mechanically tested. The mechanical testing of vaginal tissue, consisting of uniaxial tension tests performed along the longitudinal axis of the vagina, revealed the nonlinear mechanical behaviour of the tissue. The material model parameters were fit to the experimental data using the Levenberg–Marquardt optimisation algorithm. All the curve fittings showed a good agreement between experimental and theoretical results, evidenced by R 2 values close to 1 and by very low ϵ values.