Molecular structure, polymorphism, and toxicity of lantadene a, the pentacyclic triterpenoid from the hepatotoxic plant Lantana camara

Lantadene A (22 β-angeloyloxy-3-oxoolean-12-en-28-oic acid), a pentacyclic triterpenoid compound from lantana (Lantana camara) leaves has been obtained in two polymorphic forms I and II. Form I had white, fluffy, and rod-shaped uniform crystals. Form II particles were irregular, shining, and polyhedral. The two forms differed in melting behavior. The powder x-ray diffraction of form I showed sharp peaks whereas form II did not contain distinct peaks. From single-crystal three-dimensional x-ray structure determination, the molecular structure of form I has been established. A/B and B/C rings of the molecule are trans fused while D/E rings are cis fused. The packing of the molecule is stabilized by hydrogen bonding. Form I of lantadene A was nontoxic to guinea pigs on oral administration. Form II induced ictericity and toxicity associated with decrease in feed intake and fecal output, hepatomegaly, increase in plasma bilirubin, and acid phosphatase activity.