Ca2+-activated K+ currents inNecturus choroid plexus

The tight-seal whole-cell recording method has been used to studyNecturus choroid plexus epithelium. A cell potential of −59±2 mV and a whole cell resistance of 56±6 MΩ were measured using this technique. Application of depolarizing step potentials activated voltage-dependent outward currents that developed with time. For example, when the cell was bathed in 110mm NaCl Ringer solution and the interior of the cell contained a solution of 110mm KCl and 5nm Ca2+, stepping the membrane potential from a holding value of −50 to −10 mV evoked outward currents which, after a delay of greater than 50 msec, increased to a steady state in 500 msec. The voltage dependence of the delayed currents suggests that they may be currents through Ca2+-activated K_ channels. Based on the voltage dependence of the activation of Ca2+-activated K+ channels, we have devised a general method to isolate the delayed currents. The delayed currents were highly selective for K+ as their reversal potential at different K+ concentration gradients followed the Nernst potential for K+. These currents were reduced by the addition of TEA+ to the bath solution and were eliminated when Cs+ or Na+ replaced intracellular K+. Increasing the membrane potential to more positive values decreased both the delay and the half-times (t 1/2) to the steady value. Increasing the pipette Ca2+ also decreased the delay and decreasedt 1/2. For instance, when pipette Ca2+ was increased from 5 to 500nm, the delay andt 1/2 decreased from values greater than 50 and 150 msec to values less than 10 and 50 msec. We conclude that the delayed currents are K+ currents through Ca2+-activated K+ channels. At the resting membrane potential of −60 mV, Ca2+-activated K+ channels contribute between 13 to 25% of the total conductance of the cell. The contribution of these channels to cell conductance nearly doubles with membrane depolarization of 20–30 mV. Such depolarizations have been observed when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) secretion is stimulated by cAMP and with intracellular Ca2+. Thus the Ca2+-activated K+ channels may play a specific role in maintaining intracellular K+ concentrations during CSF secretion.