Transverse depinning and melting of a moving vortex lattice in driven periodic Josephson junction arrays

We study the effect of thermal fluctuations in a vortex lattice driven in the periodic pinning of a Josephson junction array. The phase diagram current ($I$) vs. temperature ($T$) is studied. Above the critical current $I_c(T)$ we find a moving vortex lattice (MVL) with anisotropic Bragg peaks. For large currents $I\gg I_c(T)$, there is a melting transition of the MVL at $T_M(I)$. When applying a small transverse current to the MVL, there is no dissipation at low $T$. We find an onset of transverse vortex motion at a transverse depinning temperature $T_{tr}(I)<T_M(I)$.

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