Dynamics of Hemoglobin Investigated by Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Mössbauer Spectra of 57Fe enriched horse hemoglobin and sperm whale myoglobin were measured in the temperature range from 80 K to 260 K. An analysis of the temperature dependence of the recoiless fraction (the Lamb-Mössbauer factor) shows it to be sensitive to conformational fluctuations which affect the mean square displacement of the iron. We have found that the protein conformation has a dramatic effect on these measurements. For hemoglobin greater conformational fluctuations at lower temperatures are observed for carbonmonoxyhemoglobin in the liganded conformation than for deoxyhemoglobin in the unliganded conformation. On the other hand, the Lamb-Mössbauer factor is insensitive to the binding of ligands to myoglobin and shows conformational fluctuations similar to deoxyhemoglobin even in the liganded state. It is also shown that a reversible complex with the distal histidine is formed in frozen deoxyhemoglobin solutions above 200 K where the Lamb-Mössbauer factor shows the excitation of new modes of conformational fluctuations. This complex is not formed with carbonmonoxyhemoglobin which already has a sixth ligand and with deoxymyoglobin which appears to undergo much more limited conformational fluctuations. A possible relationship between the formation of the distal histidine complex and the cooperative ligand binding reaction is suggested by results with partially liganded hemoglobin which indicate increased formation of the distal histidine complex.