Idiopathic paraproteinemia. III. Increased frequency of paraproteinemia in thymectomized aging C57BL/KaLwRij and CBA/BrARij mice.

The influence of thymectomy on the appearance of idiopathic paraproteinemia (IP) during aging was investigated in mice of the C57BL/KaLwRij and the CBA/BrARij strains, which under normal conditions develop IP in high and low frequency, respectively. Compared with sham-thymectomized mice, C57BL mice thymectomized at a young adult age showed a markedly increased frequency and an earlier onset of IP during aging; this was even more pronounced in neonatally thymectomized mice. A similar effect of thymectomy was also observed in mice of the CBA strain. Restriction in the heterogeneity of the serum immunoglobulins and the appearance of transient homogeneous Ig components was another frequent finding and this often preceded the appearance of IP in mice of both strains. Thymectomy did not substantially influence either the incidence of paraproteinemias due to a B cell malignancy or the isotype distribution among the paraproteins produced. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that IP develops in three stages as a consequence of an age-related immunnodeficiency that primarily affects the T immune system.