Parasites of Freshwater Fishes (Salmonidae and Coregonidae) of Insular Newfoundland

A survey was made of the parasites of freshwater game fishes in Insular Newfoundland. A total of 304 fish from five species (Salvelinus fontinalis, Salmo salar (grilse, landlocked, parr, smolt), Salmo gairdneri, Salmo trutta, and Coregonus clupeaformis) was examined from 43 sampling stations covering the main watersheds of the island. Twenty-six parasitic species are recorded. Two new species, Phyllodistomum limnosa and Salmincola exsanguinata, are described. Descriptions are given and the systematic positions of the following discussed: Trichophrya piscium, Crepidostomum farionis, Apophallus brevis (metacercariae), Dibothriocephalus sp., Echinorhynchus lateralis, Metabronema salvelini, Philonema agubernaculum, Salmincola salmonea, and Argulus canadensis. A host–parasite list with percentage infections is given for all species of fish and a table showing the distribution between river and lake fish over the island as a whole is given for the commoner parasites of S. fontinalis. Distribution and host specificity are discussed.