1. Blood clots are lysed by SK before the beginning of retraction. Retracted clots are only very little lysed. 2. Recalcified citrated blood is easily lysed since the excess of added calcium ions inhibits the retraction. 3. The determination of the water content of the clots gives information on their retraction state. 4. The determination of water content made it possible to prove that thrombus retraction takes place in vivo. Already one day after thrombosis the water content is clearly lower than in fresh clots. Later the water content increases again slightly. 5. Clots formed in vitro and in vivo are lysed by SK after retraction if they come into contact with fibrin or fibrinogen containing plasminogen. 6. Heated fibrin plates or heated fibrin tubes both with SK, casein degradation and an immunological method allowed to prove that whole blood clots loose their activable plasminogen during retraction. One assumes that plasminogen is expressed during retraction. 7. The possibility of a therapeutical fibrinolysis with SK is due to the fact that SK can penetrate into the clot and the SK containing thrombus continuously comes in contact with circulating blood rich in plasminogen. The importance of these results for thrombolysis with SK is discussed. * Auszugsweise in den Sitzungen der Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Wien, am 12. XI. 1964 und am 16. XII. 1965 vorgetragen.

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