Solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for determination of antibodies to cytomegalovirus

A solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for the determination of immunoglobulin H (IgG) and IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus is described. The enzyme immunoassay gave reliable and consistent results which were in concordance with those obtained by the complement fixation test and the indirect immunofluorescence test. Antibodies to herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses did not interfere in the enzyme immunoassay for cytomegalovirus IgM antibodies. In a few patients with IgM antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus IgM antibodies were also detected. False-positive cytomegalovirus IgM antibody results were observed in sera containing both the rheumatoid factor and cytomegalovirus IgG antibodies. This rheumatoid factor interference was overcome by the absorption of sera with polymerized human gamma globulin. The absorption did not affect true cytomegalovirus IgM antibody titers. Also described is a simple enzyme immunoassay that makes possible a more sensitive detection of the rheumatoid factor than the latex agglutination test.