Isolation and Characterization of Xylan-Degrading Strains of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens from a Napier Grass-Fed Anaerobic Digester

Six new xylanolytic bacterial strains have been isolated from a Napier grass-fed anaerobic digester. These strains were identified as Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens and were similar in many respects to ruminal isolates described previously. The new isolates exhibited a high degree of DNA homology with several ruminal strains of B. fibrisolvens. Xylan or xylose was required to induce the production of enzymes for xylan degradation, xylanase and xylosidase. Production of these enzymes was repressed in the presence of glucose. Xylanase activity was predominantly extracellular, while that of xylosidases was cell associated. The new isolates of B. fibrisolvens grew well in defined medium containing xylan as the sole carbon source and did not produce obvious slime or capsular layers. These strains may be useful for future genetic investigations.