Deeply Bound1sand2pPionic States inP205band Determination of thes-Wave Part of the Pion-Nucleus Interaction

We observed well-separated 1s and 2p π states in 205Pb in the 206Pb(d,3He) reaction at Td=604.3MeV. The binding energies and the widths determined are B1s=6.762±0.061MeV, Γ1s=0.7640.154+0.171MeV, B2p=5.110±0.045MeV, and Γ2p=0.3210.062+0.060MeV. They are used to deduce the real and imaginary strengths of the s-wave part of the pion-nucleus interaction, which translates into a positive mass shift of π in 205Pb.