Growth, Metabolic, And Antibody Production Kinetics Of Hybridoma Cell Culture: 1. Analysis Of Data From Controlled Batch Reactors

A mouse‐mouse hybridoma cell line (167.4G5.3) was cultivated in a 1.5‐L stirred‐tank bioreactor under constant pH and dissolved oxygen concentration. The transient kinetics of cell growth, metabolism, and antibody production were followed by biochemical and flow cytometric methods. The cell‐specific kinetic parameters (growth and metabolic rates) as well as cell size were constant throughout the exponential phase. Intracellular protein and RNA content followed a similar trend. Cell growth stopped when the glutamine in the medium was depleted. Glucose could not substitute for glutamine, as glucose consumption ceased after glutamine depletion. Ammonia and lactate production followed closely glutamine and glucose consumption, respectively. Alanine, glutamate, serine, and glycine were produced but other amino acids were consumed. The cells are estimated to obtain about 45% of the total energy from glycolysis, with the balance of the metabolic energy provided by oxidative phosphorylation. The antibody was produced at a constant rate in both the exponential and decline phases of growth. The intracellular antibody content of the cells remained relatively constant during the exponential phase of growth and decreased slightly afterwards.

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