Verrucous Carcinoma of Skin

Five different [human] cases of verrucous proliferative lesions of skin are described and discussed. One of each developed in a chronic ulcer on a heel, in a scar on a lower leg and on the penis and 2 appeared in the region of the buttock in relation to chronic inflammatory sinuses. All lesions showed morphological and clinical features of verrucous carcinoma which are described. The variously named verrucous lesions in the literature (epithelioma cuniculatum, florid papillomatosis, giant cutaneous papilloma and papillomatosis cutis carcinoides) and these 5 cases represent a verrucous carcinoma which is a particular type of squamous cell carcinoma. This tumor develops typically in moist areas which are frequently sites of chronic inflammation. Despite the favorable prognosis it is a potentially invasive tumor.

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