Hip Joint Load and Muscular Activation During Rising Exercises

The load on the hip joint and activation of the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, adductor magnus and rectus femoris muscles during rising exercises including different adaptive adjustments were investigated in nine healthy subjects. The joint load was calculated from forces recorded with a force-measuring platform and pictures on cine-film. Levels of muscular activity were recorded with rectified, low-pass filtered, time-averaged and normalized EMGs. The loading moment about the hip joint was about 45 Nm during the initial part of the rising exercise, decreasing with smaller hip angle. Increase of the backward inclination of the trunk increased the load moment, which was maintained at about the same level during the rising exercise. Two adaptive adjustments lowered the joint load: foot position further backward and reduced resistance from the device. Foot position further forward increased the joint load. The levels of muscular activity in the hip extensors were low to medium and were slightly increased by posterior foot position and increased resistance from the device. Increased backward trunk inclination increased the activity in the final part of the rising exercise.

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