Extensive fatigue tests of vulcanizates of natural rubber and SBR were carried out using a cycle of alternate stretching in two perpendicular directions. It is shown that the data can be best handled statistically by assuming a lognormal distribution or by the use of extreme probability techniques. Illustrative results are given to compare the fatigue life of different types of SBR ; to show the value of the method for studying the effects of processing variations on fatigue life ; to determine the effect of various loadings of different types of carbon black; and to evaluate the effectiveness of anitoxidants and antiozonants. Exploratory tests using ozone instead of pinholes to initiate the failure eliminated the wide range in fatigue life between natural rubber and SBR, and in this respect gave a result which is more consistent with general service experience. This type of biaxial fatigue testing has many areas of usefulness for developing good endurance qualities in vulcanizates.