SO2 dosages in an urban area
- 1 January 1980
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Elsevier in Atmospheric Environment (1967)
- Vol. 14 (1) , 11-17
No abstract availableThis publication has 11 references indexed in Scilit:
- The duration of high SO2 concentrations in an urban atmosphereAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1978
- Relationship between maximum SO2 concentration, averaging time and average concentration in an Urban areaAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1978
- The duration of high SO2 concentrations in an urban atmosphereAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1977
- Empirical dosage-distance relationships around a point source—at ground levelAtmospheric Environment (1967), 1976
- An Air Quality Data Analysis System for Interrelating Effects, Standards, and Needed Source Reductions: Part 3. Vegetation InjuryJournal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 1976
- Dose-Response of Urban Trees to Sulfur DioxideJournal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 1972
- Air Quality Standards for Fluoride Vegetation EffectsJournal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 1969
- Air Analysis: The Standard Dosage-Area ProductJournal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 1967
- Analyzing Air Pollutant Concentration and Dosage DataJournal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 1967
- Parameters of Aerometric Measurements for Air Pollution ResearchAihaj Journal, 1961