Introduction Since the identification by Landsteiner of the four definite human blood groups numerous workers have attempted to group the blood of mammals with varying results. In 1907, Hektoen (1) was unable to find any isoagglutinins in the serum of rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, horses, and cattle. In each instance 0.1 cc. of 10 or 20 different sera was tested upon 0.1 cc. of 2.5 per cent suspension of washed corpuscles from as many animals. Ottenberg and Friedman (2), in 1911, were able to divide by agglutination the blood of steers into three definite groups, as follows. Group I. Agglutinative but not agglutinable. Group II. Agglutinable but not agglutinative. Group III. Neither agglutinative nor agglutinable. The authors assume that in the blood of steers there is one isoagglutinin and one isoagglutinable substance. They also thought that the examination of a large number might reveal the existence of a second agglutinin and a second agglutinable substance.