Involvement of immunoglobulin E in the secretory processes of alveolar macrophages from asthmatic patients.

Alveolar macrophages from nonatopic donors were passively sensitized with allergen-specific IgE antibody from the serum of asthmatic patients. A selective release of 4-8% of the lysosomal beta-glucuronidase of these cells occurred within 30 min of contact with the related allergen or with anti-human IgE antibody, in the absence of any mast or basophil cells. The cell reactivity was dependent on the interaction of macrophages with IgE, as shown by the disappearance of the allergen-induced enzyme release after heating or IgE-immune adsorption of the sensitizing serum, but not after IgG-adsorption. Alveolar macrophages from asthmatic patients behaved similarly to passively sensitized normal macrophages. Contact with the related allergen or with anti-IgE antibody induced the same percentage of enzyme release, demonstrating that these cells possess allergen-specific IgE bound on their surface. 18% of them formed rosettes with anti-IgE-coated sheep erythrocytes, and 15-22% with allergen-coated erythrocytes, but lost this property after preincubation with the specific allergen. The presence of IgE-specific receptors on the macrophage surface was demonstrated both at the ultrastructural level with immunoperoxidase labeling, and at low magnification by the formation of 15-18% rosettes with human IgE-coated erythrocytes. The formation of such rosettes was inhibited after incubation of alveolar phagocytes with aggregated myeloma IgE. On the basis of these observations, the participation of the alveolar macrophages in IgE-mediated pulmonary hypersensitivity must be considered. Its precise involvement requires, however, further investigations.