Nutrient concentrations in mire vegetation as a measure of nutrient limitation in mire ecosystems

The above‐ground standing crop and nutrient concentrations in plant material were examined in 45 stands of mire vegetation in the Biebrza peatland, Poland. The stands included flood‐plains, rich fens, transitional fens and bogs. The pattern in nutrient concentrations in the above‐ground plant material resembled the pattern in nutrient concentrations in peatwater and peat which had been investigated in an earlier study. Concentrations of N were quite uniform along the gradient. P‐concentrations were highest in the transitional fen. Critical nutrient concentrations were defined on the basis of a review of nutrient concentrations in plant material from peatlands in which a fertilization experiment had been carried out. Defined critical values for phanerogams were: 13‐14 and 0.7 mg/g dry wt for N and P respectively. Concentrations lower than these values indicate deficiency. P/N ratios ≥ 0.07 indicate N‐deficiency and P/N ratios ≤ 0.04 — 0.05 indicate P‐deficiency. According to these values the Biebrza fens and bogs appear to be primarily deficient in N. The growth of the flood‐plain vegetation does not appear to be restricted by nutrients.